
Build your fitness and strengthen the bond with your pooch through Canicross! Whether your dog needs to get in shape or you’re the one looking for a sporty activity with your four-legged friend out in the fresh air, this is the course for you!

Canicross is a dog assisted sport where you're both connected through a bungee line. Your waist belt sits comfortably at your centre of gravity, so there's a low risk of being pulled over (compared to holding a leash in your hand!). Your dog is wearing a special harness that distributes the forces from pulling you across their body. We encourage the dog to pull, and with safety in mind, make sure they respond well to our cues to go faster, slower, turn or stop.

We’ll do a variety of exercises to skill you both up, get your pulse going and make you savvy on the trails. Our virtual course is self-paced and everything can be adjusted to you as a team, so don’t worry about your fitness or training level! 

Canicross 0 to 30 Virtual Course

In our 6-week programme we get you and your dog fully started with Canicross. We build our fitness together with walk/run intervals and work toward 30 minutes of continuous running/jogging. We also teach directional and gait/speed cues, stretches, strength and conditioning.
 This course comes with a 6-week training plan and a supportive private Facebook community. 


I am not a personal trainer and will be using a mix of training plans and exercises that I received during my training as a certified Canicross instructor with DogFit UK and my own experience as a runner. Before signing up to Canicross, please apply good judgement as to your own and your dog's physical abilities. If in doubt, check with your GP and/or vet.

Dogs must be over 12 months old and in good health to start Canicross. For large breeds we recommend to start once they're 18 months old. You should minimise running on tarmac/hard surfaces as much as possible.

We're happy to advise you on equipment! We have limited gear in stock, please get in touch if you wish to book a fitting appointment or purchase gear from us.

Equipment required for YOU: running/trailrunning shoes, sports clothing, heart rate monitor (optional), Canicross belt, water.

Equipment required for your DOG: Canicross harness + bungee line, water, poo bags, treats (for stretching at the end of class).

If you're running with a reactive dog, always take appropriate steps to ensure the safety and comfort of those around you.